
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/06/04 11:48:54
After the decline of the Roman Empire, Europe entered a long period of changes arising from what is known as the Age of Migrations. That period has been known as the "Dark Ages" to Renaissance thinkers. Isolated monastic communities in Ireland and elsewhere carefully safeguarded and compiled written knowledge accumulated previously.

During this time, the western part of the Roman Empire was 'reborn' as the Holy Roman Empire, later called Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. The eastern part of the Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire. In 1453, when the Ottoman Empire conquered the Byzantine capital Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire ceased to exist.

After the decline of the Roman Empire, Europe entered a long period of changes arising from what is known as the Age of Migrations||在罗马人帝国的衰微之后, 欧洲进入了从什么即是移民的年龄出现的一个长时期的变化. That period has been known as the "Dark Ages" to Renaissance thinkers||那时期已经是对于文艺复兴思想者的 " 黑暗的年龄 ". Isolated monastic communities in Ireland and elsewhere carefully safeguarded and compiled written knowledge accumulated previously||在小心地被保卫而且编译在先前被累积的书面的知识的爱尔兰和其他地方的隔离修道院的社区.

During this time, the western part of the Roman Empire was 'reborn' as the Holy Roman Empire, later called Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation||在这次期间,罗马人帝国的西方部份是如神圣的罗马人的帝国 '再生的', 比较迟的被叫做的德国国家的神圣罗马人帝国. The eastern part of the Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire||罗马人帝国的东方部份变成了东罗马帝国. In 1453, when the Ottoman Empire conquered the Byzantine capital Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire ceased to exist||在 1453 年, 当土耳其帝国的帝国征服了 Byzantium的首都君士坦丁堡,被停止存在的东罗马帝国的时候.