
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/04/28 13:53:21
For the Spanish tourist presence in china, Beijing works as the main destination and its location is used as the real entry gate to china. In a second level, four tourist areas work as satellites zones to Beijing:xi’an due to its Terracotta Museum; shanghai as the modern and fashionable Chinese city; guilin because of the combination of water and mountain environments; and Hong Kong as the foreign and vanguard recovered city. These five tourist regions compose the main framework of the Chinese system, demonstrated by the presence of Spanish tourism from 2000 to 2003. At the same time, it has been demonstrated that, although in a lesser extend, this is a reflection of the overall international tourist flow to china.

对西班牙旅游者到中国旅游来说,北京是主要的目的地也是进入中国的一扇大门。从另一个层面说,这四个旅游胜地成为了北京的“卫星”旅游地: 西安的秦始皇兵马俑,时尚现代的国际大都市上海,桂林依山傍水的好景色,中西文化结和的香港。从2000年到2003年西班牙旅游者到中国的旅游的情况表明,这5个旅游胜地成为了中国旅游系统的主要框架。 同时也在一个很小的程度反映了国际旅游者到我国旅游的主要线路。