
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/04/29 19:51:44
① 徼处理器,实现电机软启动、软制动、节能;
② 变频器自带PLC:
③ 直接自市政供水干管吸水、无吸程、无负压、节能
④ 射流泵辅助变频调速供水、节能:
⑤ 带有触摸屏的可视化控制i DCS控制系统:
⑥ 美观、一体化、、不锈钢化;
⑦ 水箱密闭、自动呼吸:
⑨ 各种优质水处理机组。
①浮动盘管换热器改进型,如单元组合式、一壳多管式换热器, 换热量大, 占地面积小:
② 波节管、波纹管换热器,传热系数大;
⑧ 当热媒不回收时,直混式换热器,换热效率高:
④ 地热技术:
⑤ 太阳热水器及其辅助设备:
⑥ 管壳式、半即热式、半容积式、容积式及板式换热器共荣共存、分别适应不同工况。
⑦ 温度控制阀,精度、价格;
⑨ 对半即热式换热器是否设有温度、压力双控制的安全措施。
6.大屋面雨水排除计算方法的进步屋面雨水排除,特别是对大面积车间、厂房屋面雨水排除,采用内排水时,按传统的重力法计算方法,宜采用单头排水,如采用多斗时,最多不能超过4个。按该计算要求,既使对缺雨的北方大屋面雨水排除,也要有多条雨水悬吊管和立管, 除要消耗大量金属管材外,对车间、厂房设备的布置和生产均有较大影Ⅱ向。目前,在大跨度机库、大剧场、大车间屋面雨水设计中,采用了压力式(虹吸式)雨水斗,采用压力法计算方法,结束了单斗排水或最多4斗排水系统,摒弃了传统的重力法计算方法,使大面积屋面雨水内排水的悬吊管不受雨水斗数量限制,不受坡度限制。压力式(虹吸式)雨水斗
的出现和压力法的计算方法的采用,是一大进步。建筑给排水技术是水工业中的一个重要分支,她的发展是与社会进步、国力增强密切相关的。建筑业,尤其是住宅产业的发展,是拉动国民经济新的增长点的支柱产业之一, 申奥成功、加入W丁0、2008年在北京主办奥运会,为建筑给排水技术的发展提供了绝好的机遇和广阔的市场。我们坚信21世纪是高新科技发展的世纪,是贯彻以人为本、注重环保的世纪,随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,建筑给排水技术这支

5. building water supply, construct a little bit hot brief introduction in technique in equipments in hot water
(1) supply water the equipments:
The processor of ①徼 , realize the electrical engineering is soft to start, the soft system moves, economy energy;
The ② changes the machine of 频 from take the PLC:
The ③ is direct to supply water to fuck from the municipal 政 the tube absorbs water, have no the distance of 吸 and have no to take to press, economy energy
The ④ shoots to flow the pump assistance changes the 频 adjusts to supply water soon, economy energy:
The ⑤ takes the touch holds of can see to turn to control the i DCS control system:
The ⑥ is beautiful, the integral whole turns,, the stainless steel turns;
⑦ water tank closeness, automatic breath:
The ⑧ matches the GBFF17219:
⑨ every kind of high-quality water handles machine set.
(2) hot water equipments:
The ① floats the dish tube changes the hot machine improvement type, is sectional such as the unit, a hull the take care of type changes hot machine more, changing the calories big, cover the area small:
The ② a stanza tube, ripples tube changes the hot machine, transmitting heat the coefficient big;
The ⑧ is When the hot 媒 do not recover, keep the type of 混 change the hot machine, changing the hot efficiency high:
④ subterranean heat technique:
⑤ the sun water- heater and its assistance equipments:
⑥ tube hull type, half namely hot type, half capacity type, capacity type and plank types change the hot machine the glory to is coexistence and distinguish the different work in orientation 况 totally.
⑦ temperature control valve, accuracy, price;
The ⑧ changes the vibration that the 检 of the hot equipments fix, transmit heat a dollar piece and wear away to take off the 焊 with accumulate the 垢 :
⑨ fifty-fifty namely the hot type changes the hot machine whether to establish temperature, pressure a safe measure for controling or not.
6. the big house rain water expels the advance house rain water that compute the method expels, expeling to the big area car a house rain water especially, adopting When the inside drain, press traditional gravity method the calculation the method, proper adoption single a catchment, such as adoption many 斗 , at most can't over 4.Pressing should compute the request, since make expel to the northern and heavy house rain water that lack rain, also having several rain waters 悬 mourn the tube to take care of with the 立 , in addition to to consume large quantity metals taking care of material, arrange to the car an equipments with produce to all have the heavy 影Ⅱ face.Current, 在大跨度机库 , 大剧 ? the ⒋蟪 leads the 湮菝 the 嬗晁 the ?杓 the river bank school the ?捎昧 searches the 沽κ the ? 虹 the 吸 type) rain water 斗 , adoption pressure method calculation method, ends the single 斗 drain or at most 4 斗 catchment system, abandoned the traditional gravity the method the calculation the method, make big area the 悬 that house drain inside the rain water mourns the not summit to rain water in tube the 斗 quantity limits, the not summit to slope limits.Pressure type( the type of 虹吸 ) rain water 斗
Of emergence with the adoption of the calculation method of the pressure method, is a big progress.Construct is an important branch of the water industry inside to catchment technique, her development is to progresses with society, the national strength strengthens closely-related.Building industry, particularly is development that residence industry that development, is an one of a pillar industries to pull to move the national economy to increase 1:00 newly, 申奥 success, affiliation W D 0, sponsor the Olympic game in Peking in 2008, for construct and is technical to catchment to provide the 了绝好的机遇和广阔的 ?We believe firmly 21 centuries is high and new technology development that century that development, is a century to carry through to make people the center, make a point of environmental protection, live the horizontal exaltation with people along with the national economy, construct to catchment technique this
The strange 葩 will bloom more gorgeous and colorful.