等离子人工切割机视频:怎样翻译“ 勇敢的站出来,承认错误,这才是你应该做的,而不过沉溺于过去的错误之中“

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/04/28 20:22:30

Stand out bravely and admit the mistake,this is what you should do,instead of living in the shadow of the mistake belonging to the past.

To stand up bravely and admit your mistake is just you should do, other than addict yourself to foregone mistakes.

What you should do is to stand out bravely and acknowledge your mistake but not to indulge yourself in it(代替mistake,防止重复).
What you should do is to stand out bravely and acknowledge your mistake but not to dwell on thinking about it(代替mistake,防止重复).

What you should do is to own up bravely, and not to be bothered by past mistakes.

What you should do is to stand out bravely and confess wrong doings other than indulging in your past mistakes.

" The brave station come out, the acknowledgement mistake, this just is what you should do, but however indulge in the past mistake in"