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求一篇关于Coca Cola的演讲稿,要英文的,谢谢,讲一下它的历史就可以了,产品也可以带讲下。

A (Brief) History of Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola was invented in May, 1886, by Dr. John S. Pemberton in
Atlanta, Georgia. The name "Coca-Cola" was suggested by Dr. Pemberton's
bookkeeper, Frank Robinson. He penned the name Coca-Cola in the flowing
script that is famous today. Coca-Cola was first sold at a soda fountain in
Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta by Willis Venable. During its first year, sales of
Coca-Cola averaged six drinks a day -- adding up to total sales for that year of
$50. Since the year's expenses were just over $70, Dr. Pemberton took a loss
Today, Coca-Cola products are consumed at the rate of more than 834 million
drinks per day.

Coca-Cola Conquers the United States...

In 1891, nine years prior to the invention of the paper clip, Asa Candler was the
owner of the five-year-old Coca-Cola business. (He'd acquired it for $2,300) He'd
been dabbling in a few other products, but unloaded them to focus full-time on
the drink that would make him a successful man.

Candler incorporated The Coca-Cola Company, registered the "Coca-Cola"
trademark with the U.S. patent office and paid his first dividends on company
stock in 1893. Twenty bucks.

He personally oversaw the mixing of every drop of syrup. The secret formula was
dubbed "7X", and was only shared with a handful of his most trusted associates.

A short three years later, thanks to some inventive advertising and promotions --
like souvenir fans, calendars depicting robust young women and countless
novelties -- Coca-Cola had made its way into every state in the U.S.
('Course, we were still two states short at the time.) The Coca-Cola script had been
splashed across roughly 2.5 million square feet of brick walls across America.

Candler figured he just had to get people to try Coca-Cola and they'd buy it.
History's proved him right, of course it helped that he branched out beyond
soda fountains. It took the initiative of a Mississippi candy store operator,
impressed with the raging demand for the product, to actually start bottling it in
the rear of his store. His idea was that people should be able to take their
refreshment with them wherever they go.

In 1899, large-scale bottling was ushered in by two Chattanooga, Tennessee
entrepreneurs who -- for a dollar -- bought the rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola
across the United States. That operation was the forerunner of the largest, most
widespread production and distribution network in the world.

But their straight-sided bottles look nothing like the ones we grab today.

A Little Barn Painting History...
The Coca-Cola spencerian script, usually accompanied by the word "drink", began
popping up on the sides of buildings and barns walls all over Georgia, soon after
the Coca-Cola Company was formed. So much so, that by 1908, 2.5 million square
feet of America's walls were covered in reminders to "drink Coca-Cola". By the
1960's, other means of advertising had emerged, so the company moved onto
more modern methods of promotion. To remind us all of the good old days,