产品经理1年工资:prefer to do...than to do...有这种说法么?

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/06/06 09:10:20
prefer doing to doing这种说法正确,但是有没有prefer to do than to do这种说法?或者只有prefer to do something,没有后面的比较?

prefer这个词已经相当于比较级了.不可能同时出现than的. 除非真的有rather than 一起用.

有prefer to do sth
也有 prefer doing sth.

prefer to do 本来就表示;比起什么来更喜欢,它含有比较的意思.

有prefer doing rather than doing

prefer doing to doing something.或者prefer to do something rather than do something.
没有prefer to do than to do这种说法