
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/04/28 01:41:04
1)xds510 usb是否支持 TI DSP DM6446 and 6443?

2) SMS0401是否支持SPIBUS?

3)客户询问GAO 2904 的用户界面,这里的问题是这产品有没有演示软件或文档资料. 如果没有,也希望拿到用户手册,可以让客户对软件的界面有一个直观的了解
4)我们的编程器是否支持ST Micro M58LW064E?
我公司现有的编程器还没有能支持 ST Micro M58LW064E这款芯片的。在今天我与该公司取得联系时,该公司表示将注意此款芯片。我会在后续工作中注意该公司的最新状况。

5)客户询问编程器,附件中是他们的ROM的型号.我找了以下,在Approved Manufacturer Part #s一栏下,比如第二个AM27C256-200PC,AM27C256我可以在咱们的list上找到,但200PC却对不上,很多这种情况.请教以下, 这种PART NUMBER应该怎么读.256应该是容量,200PC是不是表证管脚数量和类型?找不到,是不是表示不匹配,应该用相应的ADAPTER,那又应该如何 寻找对应的ADAPTER呢,?
首先,没有找到后面的200PC并不代表不匹配,具体的芯片以具体的情况来定,有的可以,有的也不可以。就单单AM27C256-200PC这个是可以 的。这个要看其芯片的封装。一般是型号对得上应该问题就不大。PART NUMBER应该怎么读中的PART NUMBER指的是什么?这一点我不太明白,你指的是这款适配器怎么去读PART NUMBER?关于这一点请说明一下。这个还是说我们的产品要看客户对其的选择,在安装的时候选定其中零件的芯片就行,再点确定。具体的芯片型号上的字母 与数字代表的内容不同,如:
AM 27C 256 200 P C
(公司) (系列) (容量) (时间、速率) (封装) (等级如工业级)

6)客户询问编程器,附件中是他们的ROM的型号.希望推荐PROGRAMMER, 如果不能支持全部,请推荐ADAPTER,?
附件中的芯片型号中PLS153AA我们目前不支持,其他的VP-380以上的机器都支持,请您参考我们网上的器件清单,并根据您的实际情况选择机器。 PLS153AA关于这个该客户不是很清楚。我在今天也问了其他的生产厂家,但是对于该款芯片采用的适配器都不是很清楚, 我在明天的工作中会继续寻找该款芯片的适配器,尽快给你答复。


8) 客户询问产品
A) 能否在220V电压下工作?
TRINE OPERATION即:一看现场画面;二看回场画面;三在不同的线路看同时观看现场的回放的画面。


Technical question:
1) xds510 usb whether does support TI DSP DM6446 and 6,443?
The hardware is does not have the question, but software has thecertain difficulty, now our company's CCS edition most Gao Zhi are3.1, it uses the actuation is 64XX. This our company is no. Besttests.
This question I already had had the correlation reply in August 4question, asks you to look up, at that time I was possess the ourcompany this section product in the domestic altogether threesuppliers' correlation reply, all has bequeathed the company

2) SMS0401 whether does support SPIBUS?
Is indefinite. Looked customer product connection whether does conformto this section product procedure, if the customer string mouthagreement all satisfies this section product the request, then is doesnot have the question. If does not satisfy this agreement to need thecustomer to change its product the string mouth agreement, can satisfyits request. (Correlation interface routine sees appendix)

3) the customer inquired the GAO 2,904 users contact surfaces,here question is this product does have demonstrates software or thedocuments material If does not have, also hoped attains the userhandbook, may let the customer have a direct-viewing understanding tothe software contact surface
The correlation documents and the material see the appendix.
4) our programming whether supports ST Micro M58LW064E?
The our company existing programming has not been able to support STMicro M58LW064E this section chip. When today I obtain the relationwith this company, this company expressed will pay attention to thissection chip. I can pay attention to this company in the followingwork the newest condition.

5) the customer inquiry programming, in the appendix is their ROMmodel I have looked below, in Approved Manufacturer Part under a #sfence, for instance second AM27C256-200PC, AM27C256 I may find on ourslist, but 200PC actually to not on, very many this kind of situationsBelow consults, how this kind of PART should NUMBER read 256 should becapacity,200PC is the table card base pin quantity and the type?Cannot find, is the expression matches, should use correspondingADAPTER, how should that seek corresponding ADAPTER?
Behind first, had not found 200PC certainly not to represent matches,the concrete chip decides by the concrete situation, some may, somemay not. On solely AM27C256-200PC this is may. This must look at itschip the seal. Generally is the model to on should the question not bebig. How PART should NUMBER read PART NUMBER to refer is what? Thispoint I not too understood that, how you do refer are this sectionadapter read PART NUMBER? Please explain about this point. This orsaid our product must look customer to its choice, in installment timedesignated components the chip line, again selects the determination.In the concrete chip model letter and the digital representative'scontent is different, for example:
AM 27C 256,200 P C
(Company) (series) (capacity) (time, speed) (seal) (rank likeindustry level)

6) the customer inquiry programming, in the appendix is theirROM model The hope recommends PROGRAMMER, if cannot supportcompletely, please recommend ADAPTER?
In in the appendix chip model PLS153AA we at present do not support,above other VP-380 machine all supports, asks you to refer to ouron-line component detailed list, and according to yours actualsituation choice machine. PLS153AA about this this customer is notvery clear. I also asked other production factories in today, but theadapter which uses regarding this section chip all is not very clear,I will be able to continue in tomorrow work to seek this section chipthe adapter, will give you to answer as soon as possible.

7) the customer inquires MCU EXPERIMENT the BOARD situation
The customer hoped knows this product support AMTEL productionMCU LIST. ?

8) customer inquiry product
Whether does A) work under the 220V voltage?
Outside the need meets a transformer. Because this product voltage is12V
B) in name TRINE OPERATION meaning?
TRINE OPERATION namely: As soon as looks at the scene picture; Twolooks at 回场 the picture; Three in the different line lookedsimultaneously watches the picture which the scene returns puts.
Whether 9) ADSL does TESTER test the DSL network?
Does not support, this product supplier has not at present been ableto test the DSL network the product, mainly is as a result of the DSLband width question.

