
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/04/27 06:31:23
Rail transport generally costs less than air and motor carriage. For many shipments, rail does not compare favorably with other modes on loss and damage ratios. It has disadvantages compared to motor carriers in terms of transit time and frequency of service. Trains travel on timetable schedules, but departures are less frequent than those of a motor carrier. If a shipper has strict arrival and departure requirements, railroads are at a competitive disadvantage compared to motor carriers. Some of this disadvantage may be overcome through combined transport, which offers the economy of rail movement linked with the flexibility of trucking. Truck trailers are delivered to the rail terminals, where they are loaded on flatbed railcars. At the destination terminal they are unloaded and delivered to the consignee – the customer who receives the shipment.

铁路运输一般花费较少比空气和马达支架。为许多发货, 路轨有利地不和其它方式相比在损失和损伤比率。它有不利与马达载体比较根据服务运输时间和频率。火车旅行在时间表日程表, 但离开比那些较不频繁马达载体。如果托运人有严密的到来和离开要求, 铁路是在一个竞争的不利条件与马达载体比较。一些这不利也许被克服通过联合的运输, 提供路轨运动经济与交换的灵活性连接。卡车拖车被交付对路轨终端, 他们被装载在平板车railcars 。在目的地终端他们被卸载和解救对承销人- 接受发货的顾客。

以横木围栏运输系统通常值少于空气和马达马车。 对于许多装船,栏杆在损失和损害比上不不逊于其他的模态。 它有缺点相较根据经过时间和服务的频率乘汽车运送者。 火车在时间表时间表上旅行,但是离开不比一马达运送者的那些时常发生。 如果一个装货者有严厉的抵达和离开需求, 铁路在竞争的缺点与乘汽车运送者相较。一些缺点可能被克服过组合的运输系统,提供与交易的柔性一起联编的栏杆运动的经济。 卡车追踪者被递送到他们在平面的气动车上被装载的栏杆终端机。 在他们卸下而且被递送给受托者的目的地终端机 - 接受装船的客户。