
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/04/29 00:39:57
1. 外 滩
享有“万国建筑博览之称”的外滩,是上海的象征。巍峨参差的建筑群,沿浩瀚的黄浦江而建。有希腊式、哥特式、英国式、法国式等, 风格各异、错落有致。外滩是上海市民早晨锻炼的好地方,也是上海 人聚会、情人相会的场所,更是外来游客必到之处 。

2. 徐 家 汇 大 教 堂

3. 豫 园


4. 玉佛寺


5. 龙华古塔


6. 上海博物馆

上海博物馆是国内外著名的中国古代艺术博物馆,创建于1952年,新馆于1996年建于人民广场,馆藏珍贵文物12万件,包括青铜器、 陶瓷器、书法、绘画、雕塑、玉牙器、家具、竹木漆器、甲骨文、 玺印、钱币等二十一个门类,其中青铜器、陶瓷器、书画为馆藏特色。此外,还有多媒体导览系统和高清晰度影视中心等,当你进入博物馆的时候,将会领略到推开历史之门的沉重与喜悦。

7. 上海历史博物馆

8. 东方明珠电视塔

1. Outside pool
Possess" the international building reads extensively it to call" of outside a symbol for, is Shanghai.Not even building in峨 in巍 cluster, along extensive and yellow river bank river but set up.There is the type of Greece, elder brother with type, Anglicism, France type etc., each 异 of style, mistake falls with the result that.A good place for is Shanghai citizenry morning 锻炼 , the place that Shanghai person's party, lover meet that is also a place, the also foreign visitor arrives necessarily.

2. The house of 徐 remits big teach hall
Locating the southwest the house of 徐 in Shanghai remits the region, setting up in 1906, is a biggest cathedral of Shanghai, can be provided as 2,500 people to do at the same time the 弥 spread.

3. The park of 豫

The park of 豫 , set up between the year in靖 in clear 嘉 , have been apart from now for 400 years, cover 5 acre, is an at that time typical and southern and private park, empress because of all kinds histories reason, experience many disaster, its big and parts of buildings is pure to rebuild during the reign of Qianlong of, so have concurrently clear and pure two southern park in on behalfs style.A spring a command post for is peace Kingdom of Heaven hour penknife would starting revolution soldier.The 豫 garden area area be embraced by people road, China road( original for moat) a wreath, for old city in Shanghai place, have got the abundant humanities and history landscape, have city god temple, old city wall historic relic etc..This is on taking the small business to prosper even, is ground that well-known and small merchandise in Shanghai swarm about with a light repast, have set up now the park of 豫 travels company's city.

4. Jade Buddhist temple

Be located in the peaceful long journey, river in the 普陀 District of Shanghai rather the 佛 of the street corner nots only is river's south an a 刹 , but also teaches the Chan monastery- jade Buddhist temple to also take the great reputation among nations.Set up in the pure Guangxu year, because of 普陀 mountain monk 慧 root from face to receive to return to 5 : white jade statue of Buddha Burma, go by way of Shanghai, leave the jade 雕 Gautama sit to resemble and the 卧 resembles the one for each, and set up the temple oblation jade 佛 in the bay, the jade Buddhist temple also therefore gets.To the 1918, the jade Buddhist temple moves to the current address.

5. Ancient tower in华 in dragon

In Shanghai current 16 ancient towers, the history is the most long, the scale is the most great, the fame is the most successful, most for ancient tower in华 in few dragon preciously.The tower of 佛 originally the symbol of the 佛 , usually place in the Buddhist temple center part, but the ancient tower in华 in dragon partitions with dragon 华 temple a street.Tower facing the street but 立 , the surroundings rounds it with the traditional yellow wall.The tower is total high 40.64 rice, flat surface octagon,7 layer, brick wood construction, is a 佛 to teach to travel the view of 胜 culturally.

6. The museum of Shanghai

The museum of Shanghai is domestic and international of 著 of Chinese ancient art museum, create to set up in 1952, new building is set up in 1996 in people square, the building hide the precious cultural object 120,000 piece, include the bronze vessels, chinaware, calligraphy, painting, carve, jade tooth machine, furniture, 竹 wood lacquer ware, oracle-bone scripture, 玺 ? ⑶? industry 榷??桓 the 雒 climb the 啵? the 渲 star the 嗤? the 鳌⑻ the 沾善 the 鳌⑹ the 榛? the ?莶 the 靥 the 厣 the ? the In addition, still there is multi-media guide system with high and clear a showbiz center etc., be time that you enter the museum, will grasp door that push away the history of heavy and pleased.

7. National Museum of History, Shanghai
There is more than 1000 exhibitions article displaying totally in the building, emphasized to reflect the modern age history of Shanghai, among them have many the middle period of 19 centurieses to the map of the middle period of 20 centuries with the precious history photograph, still have the real object of large quantity.While visitting, the audibility go to the peddler of the old the in the streets of Shanghai calls sell a steam-whistle for, and yellow river bank in old day the river goes aboard.

8. Eastern bright pearl television tower
Locate yellow river bank in Shanghai river's side, sharp-tongued top in river bank east six mouths, read extensively with the international building of the outside pool a 隔 the river to hope mutually.The tower is high 468 rice, is a high tower in the third in the first, world in Asia.Design enrich in the imagination of will 11 sizes the different and high and low the orb that mistake fall establishes from the air of the deep blue is last such as the green lawn of the 茵 , two enormous orbs just like two rubies, radiant revishing, is filled with" the small bead in big bead falls the jade dish" of poetry painting idea.Ascend the high tower but a cross-straits the view of 胜 in river in river bank in览 , is the most popular tourism spot in present Shanghai.