
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/04/29 15:03:53
那是看图作文,大概如下: MARY是个很喜欢动物的人,她很爱她的狗LOCK.一天,LOCK看见MARY躺在床,看似生病了.LOCK很焦急.于是跑岀门把MARY的丈夫拉到房间.MARY的丈夫赶忙带MARY去看病.之后,MARY非常感激LOCK,更疼爱LOCK了. 谢谢了~`帮帮忙吧~````THANKS~~`

Mary likes animals very much .She likes her dog a lot.One day, Lock sees Mary lies on the bed,she looks ill. Lock is very worry. It runs out.It takes Mary's doctor to the room. Mary' doctor takes Mary to the hospital hurrily. Finally, Mary feels better. Mary thanks Lock a lot. She likes it more than before.