
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/04/29 23:46:32
一 当我到达学校时,学生们都已经放学了.
二 在我们进城以前,我们的汽车已经坏了,再也走 不动了.
三 当我迟到20分钟到达机场时,他已经乘出租车去宾馆了.
四 当警察开始抓他时,他已携带家属去了加拿大.
五 她说在我来之前她们已经做好了一切准备.

1. When I arrive the school, the students all already were on vacation from school.
2. Enters a city in us before, our automobile already was bad, again also walked motionless.
3.When I am late 20 minutes arrives the airport, he already rides rental car goes guesthouse
4. When the police starts catches him, he has carried family member goes Canada.
5. She said came before they in me already to complete all preparations.

1 When I arrive the school, the students all have already released from school.
2 At we go into the city past, our automobile is already bad, coulding not walk any further.
3 When I be late for 20 minutes to arrive the airport, he has already multiplied by the for-rent car to go to the guest house.
4 When the police starts grasp him, he hases already taken the family members to go to Canada.
5 She say at I come previous they have already had done the whole preparation.

1.When i arrived at the school, the class was over.
2.Before we entered city,the car was broken and couldn't move any more.
3.He had been left for the hotel by taxi when I arrived at the air port 20 minutes twenty minutes late.
4.When the policemen began to pursue him, he had already been to Canada with his family numbers.
5.He said that they had been prepared everything before I arrived.