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backstreet boy 成员:Kevin、Howie D、Brian、A.J、Nick
首支单曲“We've go it goin' on”是由Ace of Base的制作人Denniz Pop操刀制作,这首舞曲展现了男孩们活力四射的青春气息,在欧陆方面成绩不俗,在奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、法国等均有打入十名内的嘉绩。接下来的“I'll never break your heart”是首抒情曲,成功地为他们打开了欧洲的知名度。成绩最好的一首单曲则是“Get Down(You are the one for me)”。

Kevin、Howie D、Brian、A.J、Nick

backstreet boy 成员:Kevin、Howie D、Brian、A.J、Nick
首支单曲“We've go it goin' on”是由Ace of Base的制作人Denniz Pop操刀制作,这首舞曲展现了男孩们活力四射的青春气息,在欧陆方面成绩不俗,在奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、法国等均有打入十名内的嘉绩。接下来的“I'll never break your heart”是首抒情曲,成功地为他们打开了欧洲的知名度。成绩最好的一首单曲则是“Get Down(You are the one for me)”。

姓 名:后街男孩
艺人简历:全名 Alexander James McLean
绰号 A.J.,Mr. Cool,Bone(因为他很瘦并且佩带了许多各式各样的饰物)
生日 1978.1.9
星座 山羊座
出生地 Western Palm Beach,U.S.A.
现居地 Kissimee,Florida,U.S.A.
头发颜色 棕色. 他似乎是在拿他的头发做试验,常染不同颜色.
瞳孔颜色 褐色
身高 177cm
体重 57kg
饰物 两耳戴一对银耳环,几乎每个手指上都有戒指,有各式项链,手链和太阳镜.
纹身 背部--一个十字架,右肩--"Da Bone",手臂--一条蛇(他的生肖),一个夸张的面具,一条龙,"Laugh Now"(并打算在另一手臂上纹上"Cry Later").
家庭 他的父母在他四岁时离婚. 他的祖父母是德国人. 母亲Denise在最近的欧洲和东南亚巡演中都陪伴在A.J.身旁. A.J.是独生子.
罗曼史 在13岁时曾与一叫Christie的女孩约会.不幸的是Christie在一次交通意外中丧生. 之后他又认识了Jennifer .Jennifer曾因认为他很无聊而吻了另一男孩. A.J.至今与前女友Marissa保持良好关系,他们常通电话.
宠物 一只叫Toby的德国猎犬
擅长的乐器 萨克斯风,贝司
爱好 舞蹈,篮球,排球,高尔夫,保龄球,桌球,购物,写诗
最喜欢的学科 英文
最喜欢的颜色 黄色
最喜欢的食物 麦当劳
最喜欢的地方 巴黎
最喜欢的歌手 Boyz II Men,Silk及蓝调音乐
最喜欢的电影 Pulp Fiction
最喜欢的电视节目 Seinfeld
最喜欢的影星 达斯丁·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman) &吉娜·戴维斯(Geena Davis)
心目中的理想女孩 自然,充满自信,聪明漂亮,并且有幽默感的.A.J.说:"我喜欢先看眼睛.老实说.我知道很多人也许不同意我的观点,但我首先看的是眼睛.短头发很好看,但我更喜欢长发.我并不在意她的高,矮,胖,瘦."
最有可能做的事 穿着独具一格的衣服.
目标 获得大学学位

全名 Brian Thomas Littrell
绰号 B-Rok(来自于Brian对一篮球术语''shoot some rocs''的称呼),Mr. Joker,Seaver,Frick(来自I''ll Never Break Your Heart单曲).
生日 1975.2.20
星座 双鱼座
出生地 Lexington,Kentucky,U.S.A.
现居地 Orlando,Florida,U.S.A.
不巡演时与Kevin,Howie同住在Universal Studios(环球电影公司)附近的公寓里.
头发颜色 金色.在Get Down中他曾把颜色染淡些,但现在又恢复了原色.
瞳孔颜色 蓝色
身高 173cm
体重 63.5kg
饰物 一条金项链,垂饰上刻有"B-rok".Brian说他非常喜欢这条项链.
家庭 父亲Harold为IBM工作,母亲Jackie是一牙科医生的秘书.有一个哥哥Harold.与Kevin是表兄弟.
罗曼史 读高中时曾喜欢一个女孩,但这女孩却喜欢别人.后来,当这女孩喜欢上他时,他却不再喜欢她.因为他认为她不再是他所想的那样.
宠物 一只叫Missy的猫
擅长的乐器 吉他
爱好 举重,篮球,滑水,听音乐
最喜欢的颜色 Midnight Blue
最喜欢的食物 通心粉,奶酪
最喜欢的电影 星球大战(Star Wars)
最喜欢的影星 汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks) & 桑德拉·布洛克(Sandra Bullock)
最喜欢的组合 Boyz II Men & Bobby Brown
最害怕的事 高度
坏习惯 咬指甲
心目中的理想女孩 金色或淡棕色头发,蓝眼睛,修长的指甲,聪明幽默,有决心,有能力,独立,事业成功与否不重要.
最有可能做的事 替你保守秘密.Brian注重朋友间的相互信任.

全名 Kevin Scott Richardson
绰号 Mr.Body Beautiful,Kev,Kevy-Kev,Train
生日 1972.10.3
星座 天枰座
出生地 Lexington,Kentucky,U.S.A.
现居地 Orlando,Florida,U.S.A.
不巡演时与Brian,Howie同住在Universal Studios(环球电影公司)附近的公寓里.
头发颜色 黑色或深棕色
瞳孔颜色 绿色
身高 187cm
体重 79kg
饰物 两手都带有银戒指,右手带有银手镯和两个黑色的皮手镯.
家庭 母亲Ann,父亲Gerald两兄弟Gerald和Tim.父亲于1991年死于癌症.
罗曼史 在19岁时曾与Beth订婚,但后来解除了婚约,原因是他们觉得结婚对他们来说还太早.不久前传出与一法国模特及一伴唱歌手约会的传闻.
宠物 一只叫Quincy的黑猫
擅长的乐器 钢琴.Kevin在巡演时总带在身边.
爱好 弹钢琴,写歌,健身,舞蹈
最喜欢的学科 历史和几何
最喜欢的颜色 蓝色
最喜欢的食物 墨西哥和亚洲菜
最喜欢的地方 瑞典
最喜欢的电影 壮志凌云(Top Gun) & The Shawshank Redemption
最喜欢的电视节目 Roseanne and Martin
最喜欢的影星 汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise) & 妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman,Tom Cruise''s wife)
最喜欢的音乐 R. Kelly,Babyface, Teddy Riley,Elton John,Prince(TAFKAP),Billy Joel,the Eagles,Brian McKnight,classic and soul music.
最喜欢的书 Interview With The Vampire
汽车牌子 Honda Accord
心目中的理想女孩 衣着性感或有美感,有甜美的笑容,聪明,可与之交谈,能真正接受他."我是个害羞人,常对要说的话和要做的事想得太多."
给人的印象 严肃,神秘的完美主义者.自信,成熟,敬业.对歌迷非常友好.
坏习惯 睡得太晚
最有可能做的事 力劝你追求自己的梦想.他相信只要你有梦想,你必能找到实现它的方法.

全名 Nickolas Gene Carter
绰号 较喜欢Nick,但也被称为Nicky,Chaos(因为他很顽皮,爱开玩笑),Mr. Hyper Man,Messy Marvin
生日 1980.1.28
星座 水瓶座
出生地 Jamestown,New York,U.S.A.
现居地 Tampa,Florida,U.S.A.
头发颜色 金色
瞳孔颜色 蓝色
身高 185cm
体重 63.5kg
饰物 Nick不戴耳环,在一些Video中他戴有金项链.左手中指戴有戒指.
家庭 母亲Jane,父亲Bob,三个妹妹Bobbie Jean(B.J.),Leslie和Angel.弟弟Aaron. Angel和Aaron时双胞胎.Aaron Carter已成为流行歌坛的一位童星.
宠物 Boo Boo等六只狗(其中四只狮子狗),Pinky等三只猫和一些鱼
擅长的乐器 爵士鼓
爱好 篮球,橄榄球,潜水,划船,钓鱼,绘画,打电游,购买旅游鞋和金首饰,收集橄榄球明星卡,笑话书和beanie娃娃.
最喜欢的学科 自然科学,历史,英文,体育
最喜欢的颜色 绿色
最喜欢的食物 麦当劳,脆皮批萨
最喜欢的电影 异形(Aliens)
最喜欢的电视节目 Mad About You and Beavis and Butt-head
最喜欢的音乐 Nirvana,Jodeci,Journey,Boyz II Men和Michael Jackson.在演唱会上,Nick常唱他最喜欢的Journey Songs,如 "Open Arms".
心目中的理想女孩 喜欢棕色长发的女孩,但Nick说:"这并不重要,只要她有好的个性,并且长得不错."喜欢女孩美丽,诚实,忠贞并且浪漫.
最有可能做的事 为你画像.你很少看见他手里没有画笔.

全名 Howard Dwaine Dorough
绰号 Howie D, Latin Lover, Sweet-D
生日 1973.8.22
星座 狮子座
出生地 Orlando,Florida,U.S.A.
现居地 Orlando,Florida,U.S.A.
不巡演时与Kevin,Brian同住在Universal Studios(环球电影公司)附近的公寓里.
头发颜色 棕色
瞳孔颜色 褐色
身高 168cm
体重 60kg
家庭 父亲Hoke,母亲Paula哥哥John,姐姐Polly Anna,Caroline和Angie.Caroline于1998年9死于狼疮.
宠物 叫Missy和Oscar的猫,叫Christopher的狗.
擅长的乐器 吉他
爱好 举重,滑水,壁球,舞蹈,看电影
最喜欢的学科 数学
最喜欢的颜色 紫色
最喜欢的食物 亚洲菜
最喜欢的电影 Outsiders,Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
最喜欢的组合 Jon Secada and Bobby Brown
最喜欢的音乐 Soul和R&B
汽车 Mazda 626
心目中的理想女孩 他喜欢金发女郎,但真正重要的是要聪明,有爱心,有上进心,有抱负."我喜欢那种以积极的方式看问题,有生活目标,并知道达到目的的方法的人."
最有可能做的事 邀请你在月光下的沙滩上散步.Howie是个浪漫主义者

Nearly 5 years after their last studio album, the Backstreet Boys mark a resolute return with their 5th disc June 14 on Jive Records. The 12-song "Never Gone" reflects the adult ideals of a quintet that broke music and concert sales records the world over, moving more than 73 million albums (30 million in America) since their introduction in 1997.

Certainly, pop culture remains on a first-name basis with the five singers that comprise BSB: Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell, AJ McLean and Kevin Richardson. When they scored in the U.S. with the debut platinum single "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)"-followed by such radio staples as "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)," "All I Have To Give" and the No. 1 (in 18 nations) "I Want It That Way"- the Backstreet Boys grew to personify an unprecedented and celebrated youth-driven era in popular music.

As teen idols, they sold more than 13 million copies each of their first two U.S. albums, "Backstreet Boys" (1997) and the No. 1 (in 25 nations) "Millennium" (1999). "Black and Blue" followed (2000), moving 8 million copies, and then "Hits: Chapter One" (2001), another platinum triumph. Along the way, the group logged12 top 40 hits, 8 of those reaching the top 10.

Today, nearly a decade since their initial success-and following a healthy 3-year breather-each group member admits that they needed time to catch up, grow up and gain some perspective on the whirlwind of fame.

"We had been touring pretty much non-stop for 7 or 8 years and we were almost living in a bubble; we had lost perspective on a lot of things," Kevin says. "You need to take care of yourself and rest and be able to reflect. This time off gave us a chance to recharge our batteries and step away and see what has happened in our lives, what we have accomplished and to be thankful for the opportunities that we have had and thankful for each other."

Brian became the first Backstreet Father during the break, Kevin took on Broadway and London? West End with a starring role in "Chicago," Nick put out a solo project and Howie continued his efforts with the Dorough Lupus Foundation after the loss of his oldest sister Caroline in 1998. AJ McLean worked through personal demons with a well-publicized stint in rehab.

"I've been sober for 2 ?years," AJ says. "I appreciate my family more, these guys more and myself more. Life is great. It's worth living again."

"Never Gone," which BSB spent more than a year recording, accomplishes the formidable task of moving beyond pop idol notoriety to reflect what is happening in the group's lives and in the world. The project features intensely personal, upfront vocals, coupled with production that spares drum loops and synthesizers for a mature, live, more rootsy vibe. Don't worry-the pandemic hooks and velvet harmonies are still there, behind lyrics that tell universal stories of hope, loss, redemption and love.

First single "Incomplete," released in April, proves Backstreet Boys' enduring relevance; in its first week out, the ballad was most-added at radio. By the end of May, the song was climbing the top 10 on Billboard's mainstream top 40 chart as well as the top 5 of Top Digital Downloads. The accompanying video clip reached No. 1 on AOL and garnered rotation on MTV, VH1 and MuchMusic.

Title track, "Never Gone," is among the most moving songs on the album. Written by BSB's Kevin Richardson with Gary Baker and Steve Diamond, the harmony-drenched ballad pays tribute to the death of Kevin's father. It is produced by Mark Taylor.

"That song has really been important to each one of us," AJ says. "In addition to the loss of Kevin? father, I lost both of my grandparents, Nick his grandmother and Howie his sister. We've all experienced great losses, so this song really touches us personally."

Additional name-brand collaborators that assisted in launching the Backstreet Boys' Chapter 2 include Billy Mann on "Poster Girl", and Switchfoot's John Fields on "Lose It All". Five for Fighting's John Ondrasik contributes "Weird World," a song that examines in life in post 9/11 society.

The guys also worked with John Shanks, the 2005 Grammy Award Producer of the Year ("Safest Place To Hide"); and the venerable Max Martin, who helped catapult to fame Ace of Base, Britney Spears-and BSB, with "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)," "As Long As You Love Me" and "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)."

Martin collaborated on 4 of the 12 songs on "Never Gone," including "Climbing the Walls," a tour de force of conflicting emotion, coupled with a melody so immediately gratifying, you'll be singing along by the second chorus; and the melancholy love song "I Still," which features skyscraping vocals and a magical mesh of harmonies that should be a patented trademark for the Backstreet Boys. Martin also worked with BSB on "Just Want You To Know" and "Siberia."

Being in the studio together for the first time in years, it took the group some time to integrate their different musical influences. But according to AJ, "Once we got with Max, everything shifted and we started going more toward contemporary, alternative pop with a little R&B. We found exactly what we are supposed to be doing for this album. It's more organic, with more live instruments, and a nice departure for us. If we kept on doing what we used to do-with the way music sounds today-people wouldn't care anymore. We had to step ahead of ourselves."

Brian adds, "It was essential for us to grow. If we're not getting better and challenging ourselves, what are we here for?"

Certainly, the average life span of most acts in popular culture is far less than a decade, but the Backstreet Boys are proving that growing with your audience-while staying true to a track record of timeless melodies-cultivates the rare gift of endurance. Indeed, Backstreet's back... again.

"We're excited and we hope our fans are, too," Kevin says. "We're looking forward to a happy, prosperous 2005."

Track listing for "Never Gone" is:

Just Want You To Know
Crawling Back To You
Weird World
I Still...
Poster Girl
Lose It All
Climbing The Walls
My Beautiful Woman
Safest Place To Hide
Never Gone