暗黑破坏神2怎么刷装备:如何理解Non-analytical schemes,Analytical schemes

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/09/21 06:22:23
Non-analytical schemes:
The defining feature of non-analytical schemes is that whole jobs are compared with each other without any attempt to break down and analyze jobs under their various demands or components. These types of schemes are particularly prone to sex discrimination because where whole jobs are being compared (rather than scores on components of jobs) judgments made by the evaluators can have little objective basis other than the traditional value of the job.
Analytical schemes:
Analytical schemes are schemes where jobs are broken down into components (known as factors) and scores for each component of the job are awarded with a final total giving an overall rank order.

特色非计划分析,相对于整个工作都是对方没有任何突破,分析其不同的要求或工作的组成部分. 这种办法尤其是因为性别歧视,整个工作正在比较(而不是分数部分职位)所作的判断评价很少能客观依据而非传统价值的工作. 计划分析:分析工作计划,计划分成部分(称为因素),每部分评分工作能够得到最终使整体队伍整体秩序.

Non-analytical schemes: 不可分解的工作计划
Analytical schemes: 可分解的工作计划