
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/06/06 22:37:22
一句 A history of sunburns early in life also increases the risk. So does a family history of skin cancer.

二句 The Cleveland Clinic suggests taking pictures of moles and dating the images to compare over time.

三句 The risk increases in summer because ultraviolet rays from the sun are the main cause of skin cancer. Tanning beds can also be high in UV radiation.

四句 The Democrats and Progressives would have to wait until later to put many of their more liberal ideas into action.
Tanning beds can also be high in UV radiation.
其中的tanning beds 是何意.

我在网上搜索了这个词,找出很多包括 Tanning beds 的句子,只知道它是引发皮肤癌的事物,可是没有一句能解译 这二个词 在一起到底是何意.

我个人以为这个词的意思是 让自己皮肤晒黑的沙滩边.

14 year-old Bronte is busy at the computer IM-ing, checking Myspace.com,Her twin brother, Piers is doing his own juggling act

其中IM-ing是何意? 还有juggling act又是何意. 这些词都是流行的词,可是词典上都找不到.请教高手了.

Its intensely hard to pry them away. You get used to this insane lack of attention. (这句话该如何理解呢? 这是一个父亲在说自己的小孩)

如下:我这样翻肯定是错的,但不这样翻怎么办呢? 请教专家们看看吧!
It's the art of juggling between video games, instant messaging andGoogle searches And a 2005 Kaiser Family Foundation study says that halfof all 8 to 18 year olds use more than one media tool most of the time!
(这是在电视游戏之间的欺骗的行为, 即时的消息和谷歌搜索引擎和一个2005年德国皇室基金研究团体说所有的8到18岁的一半的人都用一个以上的媒体工具在大多时间)
这样翻很不通, 翻出来后,我自己都不知道我到底在翻什么???

that actually stayed the same at 6 hrs and 20 minutes every day.其中hrs是何意.

But experts warn that multi-tasking even when you're young has its liabilities (不知何意)

we're taking steps to limit that time.(是何意)

1. A history of sunburns early in life also increases the risk. So does a family history of skin cancer.

2. The Cleveland Clinic suggests taking pictures of moles and dating the images to compare over time.

3.The risk increases in summer because ultraviolet rays from the sun are the main cause of skin cancer. Tanning beds can also be high in UV radiation.

4. The Democrats and Progressives would have to wait until later to put many of their more liberal ideas into action.
Tanning beds :tanning有制革也有晒黑的意思,bed指床或类似床的东西。我想应该有上下文。虽然不清楚tanning bed到底是指什么,但是可以这么译。

IM是一种国外聊天工具,类似messenger.IMing 指在聊天。。。
juggling act指玩耍类似扔扔球和盘之类的。

Its intensely hard to pry them away. You get used to this insane lack of attention.

It's the art of juggling between video games, instant messaging andGoogle searches And a 2005 Kaiser Family Foundation study says that halfof all 8 to 18 year olds use more than one media tool most of the time!

hrs =hours

But experts warn that multi-tasking even when you're young has its liabilities
we're taking steps to limit that time.

我英语不及格 看不懂



But experts warn that multi-tasking even when you're young has its liabilities

we're taking steps to limit that time.

IM-ing 是不是 Instant Messaging 的意思,可能是在网上聊天吧,就像我们用QQ聊天一样,都是指用即时通讯软件聊天
tanning beds 应该是指那种在家里进行的日光浴,外国人很喜欢日光浴,但是又怕在阳光下照射太久而得皮肤癌,所以很多人买模拟日光浴的机器在家里进行日光浴,但有研究说这种在家里的日光浴也是有可能引发皮肤癌的
It's the art of juggling between video games, instant messaging andGoogle searches.And a 2005 Kaiser Family Foundation study says that halfof all 8 to 18 year olds use more than one media tool most of the time!
hrs = hours

一句 早的晒伤历史在生活方面也增加危险。 皮肤癌的家庭历史也是
二句 克里夫兰临床讲义意味着轮流痣的照片而且约会图像随着时间的过 去比较。
三句 危险夏天的增加因为来自太阳的紫外线的光线是皮肤癌的主要因素。 硝皮床在紫外线放射线也可能是高的
四句 民主党党员和改革论者会必须等候直到比较迟的实施他们的比较自由主义的主意多数。
对计算机 IM 14 岁 Bronte 很忙碌-ing,检查 Myspace.com ,她的双胞胎的兄弟, 码头正在做他自己的变戏法行为
它的强烈困难打听他们离开。 你习惯于患精神病缺乏注意
资讯科技是在电视游乐器之间变戏法的艺术,立即信息和 Google 搜寻和一个 2005 皇帝家庭基础研究说那种一半的 8 到 18 岁使用时间的超过媒体工具大部分!