
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/09/21 06:18:30

关键词: 氢甲酰化反应; 均相催化; 改性铑体系;

Propylene hydroformylation is the main technology of producting butanol and 2-ethylhexanol at the present in the world,it has developed from high pressure cobalt catalysts and modified cobalt catalysts to modified rhodium catalysts,to develop a new catalyst system that can offer further temperate reaction conditions and higher ratio of n/i is the research hot spot.Butanol and 2-ethylhexanol are products shanghai coking plan to produce using own raw material in future.This paper researched the new catalyst system and has the explicit application background. This paper installed the advanced、automated pilot plant for catalyst examination.This paper studied the new generation catalyst system by using it on the continuous running facility. Simulation test examed three group catalysts respectively. The research indicated that the mini-plant was believable and the new catalyst could not only decline the temperature and pressure but also improve the ratio of n/i.This paper also gave some analysis and forecast to the engineering application of the new catalyst afterwards.

Key words:hydroformylation; homogeneous catalysis; modified rhodium catalysts;

Propylene hydroformylation is the main technology of producting butanol and 2-ethylhexanol at the(去掉the) present in the world,(句子间连接不当)it has developed from high pressure cobalt catalysts and modified cobalt catalysts to modified rhodium catalysts,,(句子间连接不当)to develop a new catalyst system that can offer(offer为日常词汇不适合用在学术论文中) further temperate reaction conditions and higher ratio of n/i is the research hot spot.Butanol and 2-ethylhexanol are products shanghai coking plan to produce using own raw material in future(结构问题导致语义含糊).This paper researched(用词不当) the new catalyst system and has(has不妥,此半句需要重新措辞) the explicit application background. This paper installed(不能用install) the advanced、automated pilot plant for catalyst examination(考评不用这个词).This paper studied(时态) the new generation catalyst system by using(用词不当) it on the continuous running facility. Simulation test examed three group catalysts respectively. The research indicated that the mini-plant(能这么说吗?这个我不懂) was believable(时态与用词) and the new catalyst could not only decline(用词不当) the temperature and pressure but also improve the ratio of n/i.This paper also gave some analysis and forecast to the engineering application of the new catalyst afterwards(用词错误).

