
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/06/01 10:49:38
Dim Vp(182) As Integer, v(182) As Integer
Dim Lx(182, 20) As Integer, biaozhi(182, 20) As Integer ‘与该引脚连了线的引脚
Dim count1(182) As Integer '与该引脚连了线的引脚数
Dim aaa As Integer '标志连线数量
Dim Lxp As Integer, lxl As Integer '连线两引脚的索引值
Dim mmm As Integer '标志是否有引脚被选中
Private Sub Picture4_Click(Index As Integer)
If mmm = 0 Then
Lxp = Index
Picture4(Index).Picture = LoadPicture("D:\微机接口实验模拟系统设计\lib\POLE_Lp.bmp")
mmm = 1
lxl = Index
If lxl <> Lxp Then
Call lianxian(Lxp, lxl)
Lx(lxl, count1(lxl)) = Lxp
Lx(Lxp, count1(Lxp)) = lxl
biaozhi(lxl, count1(lxl)) = aaa - 1
biaozhi(Lxp, count1(Lxp)) = aaa - 1
count1(lxl) = count1(lxl) + 1
count1(Lxp) = count1(Lxp) + 1
If eee(Lxp) = 0 And eee(lxl) = 1 Then
v(Lxp) = v(lxl)
ElseIf eee(Lxp) = 1 And eee(lxl) = 0 Then
v(lxl) = v(Lxp)
End If
End If
Picture4(Lxp).Picture = LoadPicture("D:\微机接口实验模拟系统设计\lib\POLE_L.bmp")
mmm = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Picture7_Click(Index As Integer)
If kgzt(Index) = 0 Then
kgzt(Index) = 1
v(171 + Index) = 5
Picture7(Index).Picture = LoadPicture("D:\微机接口实验模拟系统设计\lib\KON.bmp")‘开关状态为1
kgzt(Index) = 0
v(171 + Index) = 0
Picture7(Index).Picture = LoadPicture("D:\微机接口实验模拟系统设计\lib\KOFF.bmp")‘开关状态为0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = 0 To 182
If v(i) <> Vp(i) Then
For j = 0 To count1(i) - 1
If eee(Lx(i, j)) = 0 Then
v(Lx(i, j)) = v(i)
End If
Next j
Vp(i) = v(i)
End If
If i = 159 Or Int(i / 10) = 16 Or i = 170 Then
If v(i) = 5 Then
Picture6(i - 159).Picture = LoadPicture("D:\微机接口实验模拟系统设计\lib\LON.bmp")‘灯亮
Picture6(i - 159).Picture = LoadPicture("D:\微机接口实验模拟系统设计\lib\LOFF.bmp")‘灯熄
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub
