
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/06/06 09:50:46
名不虚传 名不副实 名垂青史 名列前茅 名落孙山 名正言顺 顾名思义,翻译的英文里带有“NAME"这个单词。。。。

名不虚传Live up to reputation
名不副实Unworthy of name
名垂青史Concerns the history
名列前茅 Come out in front
名落孙山Fail in examination
名正言顺Perfectly deserved

名不虚传Live up to reputation
名不副实Unworthy of name
名垂青史Concerns the history
名列前茅 Come out in front
名落孙山Fail in examination
名正言顺Perfectly deserved

名不虚传deserve the reputations one enjoys
名不副实 be unworthy of the name or the title
名垂青史on the scroll of fame
名列前茅come out top
名落孙山fail in a competitive examination
名正言顺be perfectly justifiable
顾名思义just as its name impliesbe
