
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/06/03 08:48:17
A wide range of statistical methods have been developed to test hypotheses. These range from a simple t-test(or signed ranked test)to comparing means(medians)between two levels of a factor,to mixed effects general linear models,which use complex sampling designs to test hypotheses on the effects of multiple factors observed. Each test is designed to accommodate comparisons of specific types of measurement scales (binary, categorical, ordinal, or continuous), and each makes assumptions which allow the test to be performed. It is important to understand and confirm support for the assumptions that underlie any test proposed for the study design. Statistical methods available for data analysis cannot be easily categorized and described in a few paragraphs. Any of a number of statistical texts (e.g. , Box et al. 1978; Snedecor and Cochran 1980; Peterson 1985; Kish 1987; Zar 1996) provide the details for performing most of the tests encountered in assessment studies. Ricker (1975) provides guidance on statistical analysis for fish population studies. Complicated research studies require the guidance of a professional statistician, but in general, careful application of basic statistical methods often produces all of the data analysis needed for decisions related to the assessment
英翻,开头我翻译为更大范围的统计方法已经发展到测试假设。这些包括从简单的测试[ 带符号的分等级测试]比较方法

各种统计方法有假设开发试验. 这些包括从简单的t检验(或检验签署排名)比较方法(位数)两种层次的因素,一般线性混合效应模型,采用复杂的设计,抽样检验的假设多种因素的影响观察. 每次试验的目的是满足特定类型的测量比较表(二元、明确、顺序,或连续),提出假设,让每一个需要进行检验. 重要的是要了解和肯定支持的假设所依据的研究设计提出的任何考验. 统计数据分析方法,供不容易分类和描述的若干段落. 任何一个数字统计文本(如箱ETal.
Zar1996)提供详细的测试表现最为遇到的评估报告. Ricker(1975)统计分析,提供指导人口研究鱼类. 复杂的研究需要专业统计人员的指导,但一般,小心运用基本的统计方法往往产生的一切决策所需的数据分析与评估.