潞城四大队红灯区:谁能告诉我哈利波特第四部里的三强争霸选手之一维克多 克鲁姆的详细资料

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/06/08 20:29:22

斯坦尼斯拉夫·伊万奈斯奇(饰 威克多尔·克鲁姆)在《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中扮演了代表德姆斯特朗参加三强争霸赛,与霍格沃茨和布斯巴顿进行比拼的威克多尔·克鲁姆。




[Stanislav Ianevs(克鲁姆)采访]

一年以前,Stanislav Ianevs还只是一个保加利亚青年,就读于伦敦一所国际寄宿学校。他因为出色的运动能力而备受关注。而当他得到《火焰杯》中的维克多·克鲁姆这个角色后,他的生活发生了很大变化。Ianevs这个月就要满20岁了。








Ianevs: 当然。演员是个不错的职业。
Meet Stanislav Ianevs
(Viktor Krum in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

Until a year ago, Stanislav Ianevski was a Bulgarian teenager studying at an international boarding school in London. He was best known for his athletic skills in several sports. Then his life took a dramatic turn when he was cast as Viktor Krum, a Bulgarian Quidditch star in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Ianevski turns 20 this month. He recently spoke with Weekly Reader about his role and his newfound fame.

Tell us about the audition process.
I keep saying it's a little fairytale. What happened is that we have registration at school. I was late for my afternoon registration, which is quite normal for me. And at that time, the casting director was in the main area of school, and I was rushing there to sign off for being late. She saw me and she heard me, and she said "I want this boy to come and audition." So the head of drama at the time came and approached me, asked for my name, and then he said "I will catch up with you later." I was quite scared. I thought I was in trouble again or something. So I went into the lab, which is on the other side of the school, and (the drama coach) found me and took me to a small room. He told me "I'll make you a big movie star" in sort of a joke way. And I said, "OK. Right." He said, yes, there was Harry Potter auditioning going on in the school, which I was aware of, but since I didn't do drama in school I obviously didn't think I would be there. So I went, and I was kept the longest. Fiona Weir, the casting director, was really nice. We had a chat and everything, and then she wanted me to go to a workshop. The first one I couldn't go to because of school. The second one I was definitely going to go to, but I had an exam that day so I missed it again. So it looked as if I didn't bother. I thought all my chances had gone by. I calmed down and didn't think I was going to get any phone calls. But I did get another phone call, and they were quite angry with me. They were like "Do you know how important this is for you? This is you future. We want you to come to the studio." So I went there and I auditioned again and got the part.

Did you have to be quiet about getting the part at first?
Yes, we had to be quiet at the beginning at school.

Did your friends forgive you for that?
Yes. The thing is, they knew that I was auditioning. The headmaster at school found out as well, and then he announced it in a school assembly, which wasn't supposed to happen. I was quite shocked. He announced it in a very special way and no one pretty much understood. He said, "Oh, yes, Stan has become a captain of a Bulgarian Quidditch team." Everyone was looking at me, and I was sitting there and rolling my eyes.

Were you much of a Harry Potter fan before?
My younger sister was more of a fan than I was. At the time when Harry Potter first came out, Lord of the Rings came out as well. My sister was wanting to go to Harry Potter, but then I said with all the people here, let's go to Lord of the Rings. But then as soon as I got the part, I started to develop an interest. I watched all the films, I read the books, and I found out that my impressions were quite wrong.

Tell us about your character.
Viktor is very athletic and he's also very focused on what he is supposed to do. In this [Triwizard] tournament, he's focused; he just goes straight toward the target. He wants to definitely win. [His coach] Igor Karkaroff is always on his back supporting him and directing him to "Be strong. You have to win, you have to win." So he's doing his best, although he doesn't seem to be coming in first all the time. He doesn't really talk much. He's more of a physical being he's described in the book as. As well as being sort of cold, he's also very warm because he develops feelings for Hermione and then he's really friendly within the Durmstrang group.

What was your favorite scene?
The maze is definitely my favorite sequence. It was the first thing I did as well. It was the first action scene, and it was a learning process with all the effects.

What was the most challenging part of your role as Viktor?
Definitely learning all the things connected with water. I had to learn this dive when Krum dives off his ship when they arrive, and that was quite challenging. I was trained specially for that. I had never dived before, and I think I have gone quite far.

Do you want to continue acting?
I definitely want to continue. I think this is a great job.