
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/04/30 16:00:10
电子商务从字面上的解释是商务的电子化。随着因特网和相应技术的出现、发展,人 们通过因特网进行沟通越来越多,因此透过网络进行商务活动也得到了广泛的发展。电子商务已经不单是商务的电子化,而且是商务的“网络化”。政府机构运用现代计算机和网络技术,将其管理和服务职能转移到网络上去完成,同时实现政府组织结构和工作流程的重组优化,超越时间、空间和部门分隔的制约,向全社会提供高效优质、规范透明和全方位的管理与服务就是电子政务。
电子商务 电子政务 因特网 内部邮件系统

The electronic commerce from the wording explanation is the commercial electron. Along with Internet and corresponding technical appearance, development, the people carry on the communication through Internet to be more and more many, therefore the penetration network carried on the commercial activity also to obtain the widespread development. The electronic commerce already not merely was the commercial electron, moreover is the commerce "the network". The government apparatus utilization modern computer and the network technology, shifts its management and the service function to the network completes, simultaneously realizes the official organization structure and the work flow reorganization optimization, the restriction which the surmounting time, the space and the department separates, provides highly effective high quality, the standard to the entire society transparent and the omni-directional management and the service is the electronic government affairs. Electronic commerce electron government affairs Internet interior mail system